Poker Tournament Control contains all the great timing features of Poker Countdown, plus management of cash, chips, payouts, and players in an easy-to-use package for small tournaments.

- TournamentControl guides you through choosing all of the details for your tournament, and then produces a detailed description which can be pasted into email for your invitations.
- Teach TournamentControl about the contents of your chip case, then specify how many players you expect and it will compute the number of each color chip you'll need for every player.
- Decide upon your prize structure before sending out invitations. Around our home games we rarely know exactly how many players will make it before game time. TournamentControl will
help you specify payout distributions for every possible number of starting players, and then will select the appropriate prize structure at game-time.
- Create your own schedules one level at a time, or just specify starting parameters and let TournamentControl quickly create a schedule for you. Then you may edit that schedule to su
it your event. TournamentControl (and PokerCountdown) will handle Limit, Pot-Limit, or No-Limit tournaments with or without antes.
- TournamentControl will also display custom messages for any level in your tournament. You can use this to specify if rebuys or addons are available, or to announce "Last Call", or w
hatever you'd like.
- Once you've set all the details for your tournament, TournamentControl will create a complete description of your event, including a description of the game, time, and location, the
schedule and prize payout structure. This description is automatically copied to the Windows Clipboard, and can be pasted into an email for your invitations.
- At game-time, TournamentControl will display a list of all the players invited, and you can mark each as "Paid" when you collect their buy-in. As the game progresses you can increme
nt a player's rebuy and addon counters whenever they purchase more chips. These additional chip purchases will be immediately shown in the total chip counts and updated prize pool displ
- The standard PokerCountdown display has always shown the current level blinds, limits (if applicable), and time remaining. TournamentControl includes this display and adds new displ
ay modes which show chip denominations, total prize pool, total chip count, and prize payouts.
Purchase additional Poker Countdown Clocks and TournamentControl will synchronize them and all your poker rooms at the same time.
- One computer running TournamentControl can drive multiple PokerCountdown displays across a network, even a wireless network. This is great for tournaments with tables in multiple ro
oms of the house. All of the tournament clocks are synchronized to TournamentControl, and any prize pool additions can be shown on all displays.